Zwischen Erde und Himmel / Between Earth and Sky
On interdependence and interconnectivity among beings
Temporary intervention, evolving over five months
Konzertsaal der Universität der Künste Berlin, Germany, 2021–2022
Display case, biological growth medium, living microorganisms from the soil of Berlin cemeteries, LED lights
180 cm × 70 cm × 60 cm
Konzertsaal der Universität der Künste Berlin, Germany, 2021–2022
Display case, biological growth medium, living microorganisms from the soil of Berlin cemeteries, LED lights
180 cm × 70 cm × 60 cm
Against the backdrop of a global pandemic, we became more aware and vigilant of our bodies – as home to trillions of tiny invisible organisms, with the potential for horrendous consequences when in contact with an infectious virus. In the most brutal way, we evidenced the dense tangle and interconnectedness on our planet, where one event on one side of the globe, however small, ruthlessly affects all continents. The many consequences of this pandemic will be felt for a long time to come, especially the immeasurable void over the loss of loved ones.
The installation Zwischen Erde und Himmel / Between Earth and Sky consists of an illuminated display case, holding inside living microorganisms such as fungi and bacteria found in the soil of Berlin cemeteries. Although invisible to the human eye, these organisms will grow and multiply within these containers, forming their own evolving and unpredictable patterns, thus becoming visible to the viewer. The work proposes a reflection on life and death, the transience of our existence, and the interdependence among all beings.

Photos by Izzy Dempsey