Linfa (2-Channel installation view)
Video, 2017
2-Channel Video Installation version
6’42” loop
18’06” loop
In the video, substances are expelled and discharged from the body through the mouth, into the water. The action repeats itself, alternating between various substances oozing out in different colors and textures. As they are expelled, they spread and expand into the water. The installation seeks to expose what is visceral and intrinsic to our existence. That which comes from our entrails, from our insides and through an outward motion, becomes visible to the external world.
No vídeo Linfa, substâncias são lançadas e expulsas do corpo pela boca na água. Uma ação que se repete variando as substâncias expelidas, com suas diferentes cores e texturas. Ao serem lançadas , elas se alastram e se espalham na água. A ação acontece concomitante nos dois canais de forma sincronizada.

Video Still / Still do vídeo

Video Still / Still do vídeo

Single-channel version / Versão mono-canal
Exhibition 'Identity Unveiled' at GlogauAir, Berlin